Partnership and working together with you as parents is very important to us at Green Shoots as you are your child's first and most important educator. From your first visit we want you to feel welcome and well informed about what we offer and what we do to build relationships and include you in your child's care and education.
Our flexible settling in procedures allow families to visit regularly before attending and plan settling in sessions that work with individual children, so that when its time for children to attend independently they are confident and feel like they know the staff team already.
We encouraging parents to share their child's achievements from home with pre-school via our 'WOW' sheets and gem reward system. Each term a short 'all about me' form can be filled in by families and shared with their key person, because as we know children grow and change all the time.
Three times a year parents are invited to meet with their key person to discuss their child's learning and progress. Three times a year we also hold events where parents, carers and family can join us for the day for some fun and games in the park or main hall: Autumn Celebration, Christmas Performance and Lunch, Spring Parade and our Leavers Celebration at the end of the pre-school year.
We are currently evaluating how we support home learning, how we help parents understand the Early Years Foundation Stage and how we share information about the different aspects of learning and development for children at each age and stage. The link below 'What to Expect When 2018' is a useful guide designed and developed with parents, for parents. It runs alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage and covers the same developmental areas that practitioners work with in an early years setting.